Remark: I had some trouble understanding why the expression given for \(\theta_\lambda\) in the proof of Theorem 5.15.3 follows, as Etingof says, from Theorem 5.14.3. In fact, it follows from Theorem 5.14.3 and the following well-known result: \[ \Delta(x) = \sum_{\sigma \in S_N} \sgn(\sigma) \, x^{\sigma(\rho)} \] This identity is not difficult to prove. See here.
Next, Etingof explains why \(\mu = \lambda + \rho - \sigma(\rho)\) is always
a larger
partition (in the lexicographic ordering introduced in section
5.13) than \(\lambda\) except when \(\sigma\) is the identity. It's not
immediately clear to me why his statement about the \(e_i - e_j\) vectors
(with \(i < j\)) is true, but it's clear enough to me that the former claim
is true. Since \(\lambda_1 = \max_i(\lambda_i)\), any partition
with any part greater than \(\lambda_1\) will be larger than \(\lambda\). But
this happens whenever \(\sigma\) doesn't fix the first element, as the first
element of \(\rho - \sigma(\rho)\) will then be positive, as it is
\(N - 1\) minus some smaller integer. If \(\sigma\) fixes its first element but
not its second, then by the same logic, \(\mu\) will compare larger than
\(\lambda\) when a part with value \(\lambda_1\) is removed from both of them;
but that implies \(\mu > \lambda\) when we compare them in their entirety.
If \(\sigma\) fixes the first two elements but not the third, then
\(\mu\) will compare greater than \(\lambda\) when we compare them with a part
of value \(\lambda_1\) and a part of value \(\lambda_2\) is removed from both;
which likewise implies \(\mu > \lambda\) when they are compared in their
entirety. Continuing this logic, we get \(\mu > \lambda\) whenever
\(\sigma\) is not the identity.
In the expression for \(S(x, y)\), note that \(H_m(x)\) has been written out explicitly for the sake of the algebraic manipulations that follow. Thus, the intimidating-looking expression really just follows from the definition of \(\theta_\lambda\) and the preceding results after rearranging some factors.
To prove Corollary 5.15.4, we use the fact that multiplying any row of a matrix by a constant factor also multiplies the determinant by the same factor, thus: \[ \det \left[\frac{1}{1 - x_i y_j}\right]_{ij} = \left(\prod_i x_i^{-1}\right) \det \left[\frac{x_i}{1 - x_i y_j}\right]_{ij} = \left(\prod_i x_i^{-1}\right) \det \left[\frac{1}{z_i - y_j}\right]_{ij} \] The remaining algebraic manipulations after applying Lemma 5.15.3 are straightforward. \(N\) factors of each \(x_i^{-1}\) will be pulled out from the denominator and \(N-1\) from the numerator, so all such factors cancel.
Finally, let us consider the obvious
leap from Corollary 5.15.4 to
the conclusion that the coefficient of \(x^{\lambda + \rho}
y^{\lambda + \rho}\) is 1. The coefficient will be obtained by summing over the
coefficient of said monomial in
\(\prod_j (1 - x_j y_{\sigma(j)})^{-1}\) as \(\sigma\) ranges over
\(S_N\). Let us write out the infinite series in each factor explicitly:
\prod_j (1 - x_j y_{\sigma(j)})^{-1} =
(1 + x_1 y_{\sigma(1)} + x_1^2 y_{\sigma(1)}^2 + \ldots) \times
(1 + x_2 y_{\sigma(2)} + x_2^2 y_{\sigma(2)}^2 + \ldots) \times \ldots \times
(1 + x_N y_{\sigma(N)} + x_N^2 y_{\sigma(N)}^2 + \ldots)
The only way to get a monomial of the form \(x^{\lambda + \rho} y^q\) is to
take the term with \(x\)-degree \(\lambda_1 + \rho_1\) from the first factor,
the term with \(x\)-degree \(\lambda_2 + \rho_2\) from the second factor, and
so on. The product of all such terms is
x^{\lambda + \rho} \prod_i y_{\sigma(i)}^{\lambda_i + \rho_i}
Thus, in order for this to equal \(x^{\lambda + \rho} y^{\lambda + \rho}\) we
must have \(\lambda_i + \rho_i = \lambda_{\sigma(i)} + \rho_{\sigma(i)}\) for
all \(i \in \{1, \ldots, N\}\). If \(\sigma\) satisfies this property, the
coefficient of \(x^{\lambda + \rho} y^{\lambda + \rho}\) is 1; otherwise it is
0. But note that whenever \(i > \sigma(i)\), we have \(\lambda_i \ge
\lambda_{\sigma(i)}\) and \(\rho_i > \rho_{\sigma(i)}\), so that
\(\lambda_i + \rho_i > \lambda_{\sigma(i)} + \rho_{\sigma(i)}\). There will
always be such \(i\) for any \(\sigma\) other than the identity. When
\(\sigma\) is the identity, the required property evidently holds. Thus, just
as Etingof says, the coefficient of \(x^{\lambda + \rho} y^{\lambda + \rho}\)
is 1 for \(\sigma = 1\) and 0 for all other \(\sigma\).